Which processor/preamp....

Which/what to buy is my question.What I want to do is buy 2 active speakers and a processor/preamp to join with a Sharp 42" TV.I dont want 5 or 7 channels,just two.Would like to spend 400$ tops.Would appreciate a couple of choices,thanks,Bob
Are you adding a subwoofer to the mix? Do you need HDMI for audio or just for video? How are you connecting your audio, digital or analog?

If you don't need HDMI for audio but still want processing, this may do the trick. I understand that it performs very well for 2-channel as well as multichannel and of course bass management.


What would be the purpose of a pre/pro for 2 channel unless you want to use the onboard dacs ??? Please splain.
what other requirements do you have... connectivity? latest codecs? i'm sure you'll get many helpful replies from the good folks here, but the more information you provide, the more useful you may find the advice.

if you're ok with older gear, the meridian 565 and theta casanova both offer excellent 2 channel performance. if you're considering active speakers, an all meridian setup might make a lot of sense.

good luck!