A recent thread about speaker/floor isolation

OMG!! I recently read a forum thread here dealing with speaker isolation from the floor. I had a pair of 1-3/4" maple blocks laying around unused so I thought I would place them under my Legacy Audio Focus 20/20's on carpet. I can not believe the difference. I am in awe! The sound stage is improved, the bass articulation is unbelievable the speakers are now showing me what they can really do. Everything from low end to treble is greatly improved. Whoever started that thread, thank you. I am now enjoying my system so much more.
Sometimes you can achieve better sound anchoring speakers, coupled to as one with the floor. I find it can depend on not only the floor, but the speaker as well. Coupling can cause reverberation and unwanted coloration. In which case decoupling your speakers might be the better option. Even with a solid floor.

Ive gone so far as to get into the crawl space under the floor to reinforce it with 2x6s L brackets and a whole lot of porch screws. Sound quality vastly improved.

I had a sub that would very slowly but surely skate out of position and it was upwards of 100 lbs. As tiny as the movement was that can take away from the over all sound and impact. If your one to squeeze every bit of sound out of something then absolutely this topic is something to look into and experiment with it pays off and there are often free alternatives. I really like outriggers, especially on those speakers with narrow footprints. 
I also have a HSU sub woofer mounted on two stages of brass footers, with a maple butcher block in between. The sub does not move as all the brass footers have machined needle points either to the maple butcher block or through the carpet to the plywood subfloor.

BTW, a good site that explains how these brass footers and maple blocks work is Mapleshade audio.
I'm a big fan of "floating" the speakers. I had Eden Sound make me two Terrastone plinths for my B&Ws. The sound is far superior to coupling with spikes.
Another very effective measure is to have wall-to-wall carpeting in your listening room, preferably installed over resilient padding. Makes a tremendous difference acoustically. Just don't spill your red wine on it. Unless it's red-wine-colored, then you can do whatever you want.