Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?

As I went to the basement (i.e., listening room) the other day, I happened upon the Hem "Departure and Farewell" lp leaning up against the LSA Statement amp. I had been testing whether I could get rid of a slight distortion I was hearing through the VPI HW-19 Mk 4 turntable -- testing back in late August. 

I hadn't really made the time for any serious listening since then. Is this normal? I have two children - a 3- and a 5-year old, and a full time teaching job. So my evenings are filled and by 10 pm I'm ready for bed.

Has anyone else ever NOT listened to music via their system for a while? If so, why?
Breaks are good. In fact, I think they can save your enjoyment. Around 2000, I found myself getting frustrated that I couldn't get time to listen to what I wanted, when I wanted, as loud or soft as I wanted. I had to make concessions on equipment placement due to WAF... or really, not WAF but BSF (Baby Safety Factor). I finally realized:  I'm getting frustrated because my life situation (which, mind you was part of 'the plan' and I was/am SO blessed to have it) was precluding my audio habit. In normal english? I got married, a job, a gigging musician, one kid, then two, then three - I'm living my dream! but wait - audio was actually FRUSTRATING me because it, like everything, requires time and mental dedication. So?? I sold all my equipment, put up LP's that I wanted to keep, and got something which would be 'lifestyle oriented' - a set of decent 'cans and an iPod (durable, small, discrete). You see - I want to participate in things 100%; so I put it on hold/hiatus/quit with no excuses, and it wasn't competing for time with something that doesn't need competition. 15 years later, I jumped back "in the hobby" and this time - my equipment is better, I'm enjoying it, and my oldest (15yo) has watched me put the system together, enjoys 'highjacking' my listening time (LOL - if he comes in to the listening room with something to play, I NEVER say no, but I do make him listen to something of mine :) he usually digs it). I hope this helps some of the readers who probably are as "100%" in life as I am.
My wife and I took the "trip of a lifetime", three weeks in East Africa, including an incredible safari!  Three weeks away from my "man cave" is probably a record amount of time!
I have to admit that I too have turned on a tubed amp to warm up and ultimately never played anything when it was ready to play.
I too now have an apartment, I am using headphones which has made me more comfortable in terms of decency towards the neighbors.   However I  don't like using headphones very much, despite having  pretty good tube dedicated amp and cans.  I guess I could buy $3,000+ headphones and a $4,000 amp but really don't think that's the problem. (nor am I that flush.)
Finally and most sadly is my hesitation to develop a system that can use internet derived material, where a lot of good music is.  The Headphone community uses a combination DAC/Amp in many case and costs can be quite reasonable. Since I have an amp all I need is the DAC.
Please excuse the lengthy crying in your beer!
I an not one who has to have music playing all the time. Background music is not necessary. For me listening to music is a unique experience, as is taking a hike, reading a book, seeing a movie. It is that experience which has drawn me into this hobby. 

I listened to my primary system in my dedicated audio room probably 3-4 times over the summer.  More so in winter. I have a secondary system which I setup and play on my deck outside over the spring, summer, and fall months. However, when I wish to have a focused music experience, off to the 'man cave' I go. 
@mechans This is exactly how I feel (minus the neighbor influence)! I, too, am hesitant to add on to a system with a music streamer. Why, I don't know. Am I a reluctant old fart? Probably. My DAC has a USB input that I've used maybe once or twice from my laptop. Problem is, I simply don't have enough stored files - except on my phone and those are mp3's.

If I'm going to go into digital streaming, then I want a hi-res sound.