Wilson Sofia 2 vs marten dajango L

I have narrowed my selection to the two speakers Wilson Sofia 2 vs marten django.  I currently run all mcintosh mc 500 amps and I also need a speaker where I can match with a center speaker . I haven't heard any Martens speakers so how will they compare to the wilsons ? My room is 14 x 20 stereo/home theater room....I listen from acoustic rock to Pearl Jam mostly from my VPI turntable ....any input would help before I pull the trigger budget around 5k give or take .....thank you
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What about Sonus Faber Homage or Cremona they might match well sound wise with the McIntosh MC500's.

The big'ish flagship ones I looked at have very hard to drive low bass similar to the Martins.
Just go into Stereophile and look at the impedance v phase graphs of all the speakers they have reviewed. And look for something like the 4 I posted 2 posts back. 

Cheers George 
Anyone out there from Marten defending there speakers lmao ....great post keep it going guys ...thank you 
His Mc's have autoformers built in for 2 ohms,4 ohms or 8 ohms loads, shouldn't they be able to handle the Homage or Cremona ?

I use Mc501's with Sophia 2's in a room similar to yours. I also have Mac amps driving the matching Wilson center and surrounds. I also use dual JL112 subs in the room. I've gone through tons of speakers and amps and so far, I am digging this combination. It works.
