GS5556 says:
To state that wire has "directionality" is to toss aside the laws of quantum physics. First. the conductivity is proportional to current density and electric field, irrespective of the physical dimensions of the conductor. Second, the net drift velocity of the electrons is zero. If one direction in the material favored the other, there would be a net change in velocity in that direction and every wire would have an electric charge.
I personally was talking about micro changes or differences in how transients are expressed (when a dynamic force is applied, to a lattice arrangement like many of the wires we use in audio) depending on polarity. ie delta and polarity. Complex harmonics, which music is ...and wide band, through the ’native’ skin effect range, all this complicates the matter but exacerbates the ’transient interference’ issue.
Physics has no laws, just theory and exploration. Engineers have laws and dogma. Quantum physics is especially devoid of laws, it not being anywhere close to being defined.
As for polarity, or a one way, it’s just been done with light. Whod’a thunk it.