Technics Sp-10 platter screws

Anyone know a source for a set of SP-10 platter screws?

I've had four of the MK2 come through here and all of them have had washers / bushings under the three screws that hold the platter to the motor. so I don't know what you are talking about - will post pictures on my systems page later today.

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Peter, Before reading your post, I would have agreed with JP, but the sum total of my personal experience with the Mk2 is equal to 2 samples (one each of a Mk2 and a Mk2A).  Neither had washers under the platter screws, unless you are using the term "washer" to describe the cylindrical unthreaded area just under the head of the screw.  Anyway, I suppose a thin washer could do no harm, either way, so long as the head of the screw does not protrude above the level of the platter surface.

Above a link to my system with a picture of the washers I mention, I've had two different kinds, two of each, two like this and two with a larger screw head where the washer also had a cavity in which the screw head sinks into. In the picture the screw is not the "original" one, the washer is.

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Interesting. The stock screw wouldn't fit in a washer, certainly not that one.