Frogman, I just realized, you have a problem with accepting the fact that we are uniquely different individuals, and none us are going to change; or maybe it would be OK if we changed into "Frogman Clones".
One example of that is your sensitivity to criticism, even when it's not that at all, but simply a difference of opinion; that's when you go into one of your long "diatribes", and after reading a page of that stuff, the person it's addressed to doesn't even know what he said; especially after you infuse your long "misinterpretation". "Did I say that"? is what the person who is the object of the "Diatribe" is thinking.
Differences in musical taste are never more clear as in the "genre" of jazz, For example; I have submitted one tune by "Gene Ammons" four times, and got no response. While I know everyone here likes Gene Ammons, it could be that no one likes this particular tune by Gene Ammons.
Since I really think this tune is hot stuff, maybe it's my taste in music that is the objection; the name of the tune is "Swinging For Benny", which any aficionado would know, is in reference to "Benny Green" on trombone, as opposed to any of the current "Benny's"
Enjoy the music.