Best value in pre-owned preamps right now?

I see all sorts of deals as I think lots of people are dumping traditional analog only preamps for those that now include a DAC. Personally I'd NEVER ever want a DAC in my preamp as that technology improves by the minute.

What is your bang for the buck king right now?

I'm not at all interested in digital inputs... so keep that in mind!
Ag insider logo xs@2xhk_fan
This may be fairly old school, but the BAT VK-3i (if you can find one) is off the scale when it comes to sound vs value. I hardly ever see them up for sale as most folks keep 'em ... they're THAT good.
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georglelofi, I have no argument with your point of view; but just for the completeness sake, or at least the pursuit therein:

Can't go wrong with an Audible Illusions. Got my Mod. 2b on audiogon for $375 and it came with 5 extra tubes.  Wonderful preamp!!