What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?

In this post let's consider alcohol, nicotine, and coffee drugs, as they are, along with the usual suspects that can get you arrested in most US states and beheaded in Saudi Arabia. I live in Victoria, Canada, which has more marijuana shops than Starbucks, and we have tons of Starbucks. In 10 minutes, I can walk from my house to four dispensaries, which will sell to anyone over 18. OK, enough bragging, For me, a puff, and just one puff (I don't like getting stoned) can be the best tweak ever. A glass of wine is also a fine compliment. Too much alcohol will increase my enjoyment (because I'm drunk) but put Phil Spector in the room (wall of sound and loss of the stuff I value in my system, such as clarity).
So, hi-fi is a sort of gateway drug. You buy a turntable, and the next thing you know, you are shooting junk. :)
I dunno. I've been sober for going on 30 years, but back in the day, everybody got stoned to listen to music.
Whatever floats your boat. (But, don't drink, drive or operate farm machinery while under the influence). 

You buy a turntable, and the next thing you know, you are shooting junk. :)

hah hah :^)

it can be a slippery and dangerous slope with vinyl. What, with the horizontal record and the vertical cantilever. Especially on a well endowed expensive cartridge. (shudders)
Hurts just thinking about it ....should have bought the Decca.  
asvjerry, there's a lot of unfavorable possibilities besides lung cancer.  Read all about it:   https://www.thoracic.org/patients/patient-resources/resources/marijuana.pdf
Of course there's vaporizers and there's ingestion by way of prepared food, so...where there's a weed there's a way, I suppose.