Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100

I have seen a lot of turntable and cartridges packages in  $1000- $1100, such as the Project RPM3 with the Sumiko BP-2 MC.   Project Xperience 1 with a Sumiko Pearl MM;  Rega Planar 3 with a Elys II cartridge. 

 I have formerly owned a Rega 3-24 with Elys II  and a Project Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red (which I did not like at all) . Would like to try something different, but can live with the above brands depending on their overall performance 

Need recommendations for turntable/cartridge new or used combo that punches far above its price of  $1100.  Thank you


Be patient.  Last year I picked up a like new Music Hall MMF 9.1 with a
Grado Prestige Gold cart for $750 on Audiogon.  Sounded great.  Then found a gently used Dynavector 10x5 cart for $275.  Combination is wonderful.  Sooner or later the right TT will show up on AG

sjtm, Thank you for the advice.  I know patience is a virtue, but, overall it may not be one of mine.  However, maybe I am going daffy looking for a table, but recently it has crossed my mind that a used, even mint table could be a risk.  So, why not buy new.  

You might rightly say: " Because, dumbbell, with a new TT  you are not going to maintain your budget, or also extend your dollars  Also, no vendor at this time of the year is going to give away profit with a super duder deal"   ***BTW, which I have personally  discovered in the last few weeks. 

I am not a novice to this blog; I have seen hundred of ads for used turntables with vary degrees of age and condition. I have bought used mint with other components, and recently scored a used quality amp and preamp which together retailed for $4600, and I paid  $2100.  I am  wildly satisfied with their performance and synergy so far.

I only spin LP's about 20%  of the time,  that may be the reason I have become suddenly stingy in the price for the table investment. And as we have experienced with wives, girl friends  and other mates who are skulking around looking for on-line receipts and/or declaring  too  much money is being spent on audio, and why not treat her to a diamond necklace, earrings, or a $6000 European vacation 

Lastly, there is member selling a mint VPI Scout JR. with accessories,  BUT no cartridge for about $950. So at least a $250-300  spike has to be purchased to get the vinyl spinning and the toes tapping.. 

Thanks again for you advice and those of  other members  SJ

If I were in your predicament, I'd try to stretch the budget a bit and try the Marantz TT-15S1. They come with a pre mounted Clear Audio Virtuoso cartridge.

I think the turntable is actually made by Clear Audio and rebadged as Marantz.

I think it's probably a good deal at $1500 total.

Music Direct sells them and has no hassle returns.

At one time they were selling factory refurbished models for around $1200.

I did a lot of research in this price range before I decided to double my budget and the Marantz was at the top of my demo list.

Out of curiosity I just checked the MD site and they still have the refurbished Marantz's for $1195. 
@sunnyjim How about a KAB-modded Technics SL1200?  If you want new, you can pay a couple hundred premium to get NOS on eBay or just find a minty used one of the 6MM or so sold. Add a KAB fluid damper and have the arm rewired, swap out for some better feet or cones and you are well in your budget with a rock solid table that IMHO punches well above anything discussed in this thread so far. You will also be on a path to easily allow future easy upgrades if they tickle your fancy. 
I've heard these tables in SOTA systems where they replaced tables at 10x the price. 
For info check out KAB's site or the "Techipedia" section of the British forum theartofsound. Cheers,