Which multichannel amp to buy

I recently upgraded my HT fronts to paradigm sig 4's and c3. Now i want to get a more powerful amp to better drive these speakers. Currently i run the anthem avm30/pva 7 combo in a 5.1 system. I am considering the following amps: NAD M25, Parasound A51 or 5250, Cary cinema5 or sunfire TGA 5400. Any opinions? I am trying to keep the cost around 3 grand.
NuForce MCH3 or MCH3SE. These are the multi-channel equivalent to their award-winning Ref 9 and Ref 9SE V2 models. www.nuforce.com
Just get a great 2 channel amp and runit from pre-outs if reciever has them and use its internal amp for center and surrounds to save money then see if you still feel the need to upgrade, there are even 3 channel amps so center will be optimized, surrounds can be driven by your reciever with no problem. On a final note I use a Rotel for center and surrounds and it works great (I run Aragon for mains)
Emotiva...? Good enough for top reviewers to sell their Krell/Levinson amps, pocket some cash, and have a better sounding amp for less than a grand. No brainer.
Emotiva? I checked them out. Nice prices and good looking amps. I just wonder how good they sound?
Just got the TGA 5200 brand new in factory sealed box and A stock for $1,299.00 including shipping. Sunfire replaced the 5200, 5400 with the 5201 and 5401...you should have no problem to get he 5400 for less than $2,000.00 from an authorized dealer.