Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
jafant like i told you i have a very modest system to drive my CS 3.7 : Classé CAP-151 connected to a Hegel HD12 DAC with balanced Cardas Golden Cross interconnects.
For the speakers i'm using my very old Siltech LS 4-120 speaker cables.
HMS energia powercords.
Streaming high res files from my PC with JRiver and Audioquest USB cable.
All of the gear was bought used except the USB cable.

Are you going to have a DAC in your system ? if so which ones are you considering ?

You own a very nice system- thieliste,

are you going to replace every component? No, I will not have a DAC in my system.  I am into CD & SACD only.

Happy Listening!
Yes only the CS 3.7 will stay, this system is short term because i didn't want the speakers to stay longer in their boxes.
As you might know it's not good to not drive your speakers for a very long period of time as some components and filters could dry.
That's what made me decide to put up this little short term system in my office to at least drive the Thiels from time to time.
So your going for an all in one big CD Player like the Esoteric K03-X ?
My future reference system will be as follow : 2 mono blocks, a preamp, a DAC with seperate server from TotalDac and a turntable probably from Bergmann.


The Pass, like my Thiels, comprise the reference points for what is now easily the best system I've had.  I simply can't believe I could do any better spending significantly more unless, of course, I could move up a notch or two with either. It's not fanaticism, it's that the law of diminishing returns would seriously apply. 

The Pass does run warm, to the side of "hot" for some, but I'll say very warm. It sits centered atop my Salamander cabinet, so there's no concern about thermal buildup. I usually let the B. A. T. pre and the amp warm up for at least 15 minutes before listening, as doing so with the Primare/B. A. T. combo I had before definitely had positive effect. With the Pass it's just gravy. 

I know that Pass is one of your amp considerations. For me it's the best match for Thiel.  A colorless revealing speaker being driven by a colorless, uncompromising amp. 

Hard to top.