Seeking Suggestions on Preamp Upgrade (CJ, Aesthetix, EAR)

I have about $5,000 budget to upgrade a preamp.  I am using Luxman 550 integrated as a preamp currently, it sounds a bit too lean to me.  Rest of the system are Pass XA30.5, Dynaudio Contour 3.4, Marantz reference SACD.  I am thinking CJ CT5/ET5, CJ ACT2, Aesthetix Calypiso, EAR 868, or Zesto Leto.  Thank you very much!

The Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe preamp has given me no issues, I had the Lamm LL2 Deluxe, bought it used to live with in my system while I was on the preamp journey and had it 2 years before selling it to move on with no issues. Truth is all the preamps you mentioned would be awfully easy to live with and it usually boils down to personal preferences one way or the other.

I have an Aesthetix Calypso which has worked perfectly since I purchased it. 

That being said I do not think it would be a good sonic match with your Pass amplifier. You shoudl match it with a Pass preamp. I think Reno Audio has a trial program for Pass equipment.
Stewart0722, thank you for the warning.  I did notice there were some complaints about noise pop up here and there.  Most of them I noticed were about 10 years ago when the Aesthetix came up.  I don't know if it is still the case today.  When did those incidendents you described happen?  I will be worried if it is recently.

Thank you for the comment.  I wonder if you can elaborate a bit on Aesthetix and Pass mismatch.  I would like to have some tube sound to my system.  Everything I have so far is solid state so far.  I have been trying different cables to warm it up, and have made progress.  I hope rely on tube preamp to substantially improve the warmness of the sound.