Warm-up time for amps and preamps

How long does it take for your system to sound good from a cold start?
I try to keep my system on most of the time.  But occasionally I turn it off and it sounds like crap for a good half-hour to an hour.
i know there has been discussion here on the virtue of leaving tube preamps on all the time.
But my solid state amp (modified NuForce mono blocks) technician advises turning even them off occasionally.
I have a tube preamp and a SS amp I turn them on an hour before I'm ready to listen. 
The only virtue in leaving tube equipment on all the time is you'll need more frequent tube replacements. Complete waste of money and energy.
My manufacture recommends 30 minutes for optimal performance and I agree with their assessment.  Both my pre and power amps also have a standby switch which I use for short periods when away from the system. 
My system seems to takes 30min-1hr. It is left off and unplugged much of the time between listening sessions. Not sure what each component contributes to this need, DAC, tube pre, SS amp, speakers. No one seems to mention speakers however I can't help but believe they also sound best once driver elements reach thermal equilibrium. Not sure of the temporal requirement for this.  
While I agree that some warm up time is good, especially for tubed equipment, I think the major factor in improvement of sound over time is the human hearing and recognition ability.