Pioneer Elite vs. Pioneer "Standard" Kuro Plasmas

My primary question is weather or not the "Elite" models are worth the extra dough ? Does anyone know if they can both be ISF calibrated ?

Thank you
I just read on the opening page of yahoo website that a lot of the engineers that worked at Pioneer left and are now working for Panasonic. If this is the case then the next Panasonic models may be better than the Kuro.
I'm guessing there's quit a bit of proprietary design within the Pioneer G series plasmas that Panasonic would have to purchase before improving the design, which in and of itself may not that big of a deal. Doesn't Panasonic already have a working relationship with Pioneer?

Aside from its performance the Elite G series is an elegant design that could easily be changed to become more affordable.

Pioneer losing, Sony losing money, what company now these days making money.....I'm planning to buy a KURO this Spring anyway....
Panasonic has been making the Pioneer panels for some time now. Panasonic, LG and Samsung will be the major plasma makers now. Pioneer hasn't made a dime on tv's in five years.

They are getting out of the video business for good.
I think you are right that if you want a plasma, look
at some of the Panasonic's. Consumers are not willing to
pay $5000 for a tv anymore. I know we are......people
who know quality. I am afraid this will not be the first
high end company to stop some kind of manuf of a great
product because of the times.
panasonic was going to make the pioneer's glass to cut down costs
that deal fell through (Panasonic dropped out)
and hence the Pioneer collape

panasonic did not make pioneer's panel

pioneer is still mkaing the best sets money can buy
the kuro takes it to another level

it will take a few generations of panasonic to catch up