Rushton's DIY approach to ultrasonic record cleaning published by Positive Feedback

Over the past several months I’ve invested a fair amount of time exploring ultrasonic cleaning because I’ve fallen way too far behind in my record cleaning. With over 6000 LPs, I needed a faster way to clean than my trusted multi-step manual wet/vac cleaning process. That manual process got the best results I’ve ever found, but I was not keeping up with my collection and it is just painful to me to play a record that I’ve not cleaned.

In exploring ultrasonic cleaning, my hope was to find that I could complete multiple LPs in a single US cleaning cycle and greatly speed up my rate of cleaning records. My goals were to FIRST do no harm and then SECOND see how close I could get to the results of my manual cleaning regimen.

My past experiences with ultrasonic cleaning demonstrations were completely underwhelming. What I heard did not approach the excellence I was achieving with my multi-step wet/vac cleaning regimen.

What I’ve learned, and now apply in my new ultrasonic cleaning regimen, are multiple elements to the cleaning process that must be used in combination to achieve the best possible results. And these results have far exceeded my expectations.

I’d thought of posting here on Audiogon the summary of what I’ve learned and am now applying as my new record cleaning regimen, but the inability to post images and to apply formatting here caused me to send my summary to David Robinson at Positive Feedback who has graciously published my comments as a guest essay. Please read that essay, and then come back here to Audiogon with comments and to share your experiences:

I look forward to some further discussion and sharing of experiences.


Well as timing is everything I just saw @bcowen 's suggestion after returning from a trip to a local store where I ended up picking up a 620 GPH Submersible 4PSI Fountain Pump for about the same price with a coupon.  So I will give it a try and at least won't have to bother with housing or anything extra in that regard. 
If it becomes a problematic mess, we can always swap out for one of these. 

BTW, if browsing the site don't be discouraged by notices that the filter housings are only available in case quantities. If you call them, they often have individual housings available at same pricing by phone order. Very helpful folks there. Cheers,
Well, here's a quick 180 degree turn. The submersible pump is too tall when sitting at the bottom of the ultrasonic tank, so I just ordered the pump @bcowen suggested above. A potential mess will be avoided.

With my vinylstack, US tank, Triton X100, 5gallons of DI water, isopropol 91% all in house I'm only now some rubber tubing & a couple of chemical delivery's away from go time. Thanks again for everyone's helpful suggestions. Cheers,
Rushton, I am very happy with using my VPI w/ delrin p/u tube for a final rinse tip that I got from this thread !!
I saw a thread about Disk flatners this morning and am interested in these as part of getting the best SQ from our disks. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Hi nkonor, glad to hear you're finding some bits of information in this thread that you can apply! Thanks for contributing.

I've not used a disc flattener and don't have an opinion about their effectiveness. I'm old school enough to remember discussions about plate glass and ovens, but I was never brave enough to experiment because with a mild warp my tonearms have been able to track the record pretty well. My biggest problems over the years have been the sharp pinch warps we occasionally encounter, and I've wondered if a device like the AFI could ameliorate those. I'll have to go read the thread. Thanks for the heads up about it.