IMHO there's an enormous variation in what any individual strives for in their audio tastes. Some what sonic perfection, others will be pleased with ease of access, still others with something that just simply sounds good or looks the part.
When it comes to DACs and the like, I'm reminded of the 'help files' one sees when chasing a 'bug' in one's computer. There's an infinite number of ways of combining hardware vs. operating systems vs. loaded software vs. one's habit's of use that it's no surprise to me that 'things don't play well with each other' on a regular basis. Is there a cure? No. Too many variables... I suspect that's what underlies most of the subjects in these forums.
Perfection will remain between the ears of the beholder. What goes into those ears will always be subject to what one strives to perceive.
Again, IMHO. And I'm just as trapped in the amber as y'all. Viva la difference... ;)
Play on...