The new OPPO Digital UDP-203 question

Hi.  Not sure if anyone already answered this but I read a Nov (inside) review of this new model to be launched in Dec/Jan and it was mentioned that it's not going to include on-line streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube.  Can anyone absolutely confirm this?  That would be a deal killer for me.  What about the coming UDP-205?  Will that be launched with these streaming apps?
I couldn't agree with you more Erik.  I'm sticking with my 103.  Should OPPO decide to add those streaming services to the firmware of the 203 in the future, then I'll consider upgrading.  Thanks.
Huh?  UHD Blu-ray titles are numerous and widely available.  I bought a 302 specifically to be able to play them.  Also, I'm not much of a fan of streaming.
I won’t upgrade either. I listen to Tidal coming out of my 103 into an external dac every-single-day. The oppo IS my streaming device. Why would I give that up in the name of "purity" or whatever excuse they have come up with for one less feature at the same price? First it was the separate audio outs and dac for 2 channel, and now the streaming services are gone from the $500 range. Very dissappointed in oppo. Wonder what will dissappear from the next $500 model?
@mtrot That's good to know, I haven't seen any, but I wasn't looking, assuming there were none in existence. :)