Acurus A150 v. Bryston 4b

Looking for a stopgap amp for my Magnepan 1.7s until I can fund the amp I really want. Acurus A150 or the Bryston 4b, opinions? The Bryston is not an ST or SST.
" "I would never buy junk from china." Curious if you mean audio or if you check everything you purchase for its country of origin?"

I have no idea why this such a big issue. Arguing over facts is senseless.

Fact: Someone put a label on my GX3 that said Made in USA and it wasn't me.

" I accidently actually included a link to it, how cool."


Per the QSC Audio Forum, which I had never heard of before this, the answer to the question Where are QSC amps manufactured? was answered as follows (ON MARCH 1, 2007 caps for emphasis):"

That's great information, but if you'll notice, its 9 years old. Is it me, or does it seem like some people really don't want the right answer? 

Just to put an end to this ridiculous conversation, I called QSC (800-772-2834). Select option 3 from the menu for amps. A live person answers immediately. No waiting. I told them I have a GX3 that says Made in USA, and my friend has one that says Made in China, and asked them what the difference was because I wanted to buy another one. I was told the amps were identical. Depending on when the amp was made, the country of origin will either be USA or China. They started producing the GX line in the US, and moved production to China a few years ago to save money.

For me, the great QSC GX3 amp conspiracy of 2016 is settled.  I fully understand that for some, the conspiracy will live on, and I wish everyone the best as they continue with the ongoing debate.

I would never buy junk from china.

Then the joke is on you. I wouldn't buy junk from anywhere!


You guys don't know what the hell you're talking about. China makes the best junk. Ask anyone from China and they'll tell you the same.
China used their junks to sail all over the world.

China can make to spec. (ask Apple) and if you need 5,000 engineers to work on something next week - it can be done; not even India can match that yet.

China today is about where Japan was in the 1950s before they implemented rigorous quality control across all export industries.  maybe some here are old enough to recall their parents cursing "cheap jap junk"??

The US was in the same situation in the mid to late 1800s.  It made cheap crappy low grade wooden furniture and mostly exported to England.

Today the US is a leader in high quality turbines, industrial equipment, pharma & etc.  But not in most consumer goods.  Maybe Japan will continue as a maker of high-quality consumer goods, tho many Nikon lenses are now stamped made in China or Thailand.