Robert Lee recommends Triode Corp, but...

In conversation with Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen, I learned that he recommends Triode Corporation's amps and integrated for synergy with his speakers.

But...those amps are few and far between on the used market. I've put out a wanted ad for a power amp or anintegrated rated at 35W or more (Lee's advice for my Adagios).

In the meantime, can anyone offer a similar sounding tube amp/integrated under $3K that would mate/meld well with the AZ Adagios?

I'm running an LSA Statement integrated fed by a Jolida JD9 phono pre. The LSA is golden and is rated at 150W. It's a tad dry, but nothing to really complain about as I consider it a beautiful integrated. Still, in this hobby there's always the exploration avenue.

Thank you - and happy holidays!

Something from Cary or Manley would work nicely. I am also partial to Unison. I owned their Unico SE integrated  a few years ago and was quite pleased with the quality and musicality of it.
Tom, thank you for the suggestions! 

To specify, what about an SET amp or integrated that puts out more than 25w? Also under $3K used? And holds up well against the LSA?

or is that a pipedream? ? 
Line Magnetic 518 or 508IA is nearly identical but at half the cost of Triode; I'm using 508 IA which is a 48 Watt SET and drives my Crescendos beautifully...

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