Is a sub on a different circuit often a problem?

I'm in the process of rearranging my HT system in anticipation of eventually getting a flat panel TV that I plan on mounting on the wall. So I'm wiring new A/V connections to the new site of the A/V equipment.

I plan on moving the sub to a different corner than where it is now. As of currently, I don't have an outlet to the dedicated 20A home theater circuit in that corner for the sub to use. I could always wire one, but I first wanted to get a sense from people here if they actually have ground loop / hum problems with a sub on a different circuit or not before I take the time to do it.


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One way to deal with this is to create a custom PC with high quality 10 or 12 gauge wire and quality terminations. I did one (30') from BPT with good results, and at reasonable cost. Then you plug it into your dedicated circuit.
Twb2, if I understand you right, you're suggesting that I make myself a long extension cord? I can hard-wire a new outlet close to where the sub will sit with about 2 hours of work chiseling a space in the brick to place the box and then fishing the wire down to the basement. This would definitely be my preferred method of handling it, because it's safer and more aesthetically pleasing (just in case one day I have to consider the WAF).

Bob Reynolds, have you experienced the hum when they weren't on different circuits? I'm just trying to get a sense of the probability that I'll have to deal with this.
