Quack System Upgrades

Ok, so what's the most ridiculous "SNAKE OIL" upgrade you have come across?

Let the fun begin HAHAHA :) :)

" auxinput270 posts12-26-2016 3:25pm

I would not bang on Blue Jean cable that much here. I also wouldn’t say that it’s snake oil. First thing, it’s the job of any dealer/manufacturer to try to sell their product, so if you ask them if their product is better than a different product, they are obviously going to try to influence you to think their product is better."

If you don't want to bang on BJ cables, that's your decision and I respect it. But I call it like I see it.  They made the claims, I put their cables to the test and I found that they were the ones making the wild claims. Its not my fault they oversold the products. They play the game just like all the other companies.

" Where's the funny stuff?? C'mon guys, lets have some fun. I can't be the only member who enjoys a good amount of levity."

Not going to happen. I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas yesterday, and I'm pissed. 

I have one about cables, though not about the claim that "audiophile" brands provided better sound than do others. All companies have to create a market for their products, and in the 1980’s one emerging player in the audiophile cable business did so by claiming a cable using the "golden ratio" formula for the size of it’s conductors provides better sound than one that doesn’t. He also claimed that higher frequencies tend to propagate down thinner wires, lower frequencies down thicker---like an electronic/mechanical filter or cross-over.

Frank Van Alstine is an old-school EE who relishes debunking what he considers false claims, and he viewed George Cardas’ claim about wire gauge and frequencies as one. So at one CES Frank proposed to the Cardas team that he plug a cable made from only the thinnest wires Cardas uses into a wall power outlet, and one of the Cardas people grab the other end---you know, to see if the 60Hz electricity would travel through the cable, electrocuting the person holding it. They silently stared back at him at him, the sound of chirping crickets filling the room.

The fact that the Cardas claim for the sonic superiority of the "golden ratio" formula in cable design and construction may or may not be factual is a separate issue from how Cardas cables sound, of course. Wire gauge is only one factor in cable design, but Cardas made it a very important, in fact the MOST important, element in his cables.

Funny that this subject comes up from time to time.  Having an advanced engineering degree, many of these tweaks fail the smell test, wreak of alchemy, and cause my internal BS meter to peg and flash wildly.  Many of them seem designed to separate a fool from his money.

That being said, I have often been shocked to find that many of them cause noticeable effects on the sound of my system.  Not always in a positive direction but an irrefutable change in sound.

So, as is so often found in life, you have to try some of them to see if they actually are effective.
"and what about the snake oil around wooden equipment stands?"

I'm not familiar with this one. Can you elaborate? (I'm not trying to start something, I'm curious)
