Cardas RCA Silver connectors

The most beautiful and jewel-like RCA connectors have to be the Cardas. Unfortunately they are also a giant PITA to solder to. The issue is on the shield side. There's a little bar, but if you solder to it, you end up having a very difficult time re-attaching the case. The wire I bend around the tab always gets in the way.

Does any solder master have a trick they'd like to share?


Ah, some additional info.  I have used the older Eichmann plugs in the past.  If the KLEI use the same plastic material, I would be careful when soldering on the ground/shield pin.  The plastic material tend to melt easily and can skew the ground pin.  I would attach this plug to an RCA input to act as a holder/heatshield while soldering.  Also, sorry if I'm repeating info you already know, but when connecting/disconnecting this type of RCA plug, always push on / pull off directly.  Never twist this plug when connecting or disconnecting from equipment as it can bend the single ground pin when you do this.
Thanks Aux! Yeah, I've had that happen to me more than once. Neutrik also.


I didn't have any trouble soldering wires to the tabs on the KLE Absolute RCAs and I moved them from one cable to another a couple times without any problems.  The Absolutes sound pretty good too except for the bass which is too soft for my tastes.  
Plus, I find Furutech expensive without quality add. Very pretty though. 



I do like their hex screw rhodium spades. I wasn't convinced they enhanced or hindered sound. They look pretty too. Dressing up the rear side of my 3As was my main objective. Bare non plated copper is fine otherwise.