Results with RCA’s and Telefunkens...
-Comparisons are done via CD (oppo 105) through 219ia on integrated mode. Using vinyl would not serve any function as I am still using my marantz 7701 built in phono, thus i would not be utilizing the pre amp of the 219ia with my current vinyl set up. (to be replaced with ZP3 soon).
RCA’s- A pretty noticeable improvement. Soundstage widened, this sounds more open, deeper, more involving. Vocals even more real.
Let amp cool. Roll in the west germany smooth plate telefunkens.
Teles- God forbid. Any even bigger improvement. The vocals are SURREAL. The instruments even more separated, the soundstage huge, everything is smooth and lush. I am blown away right now. Their is so much detail and NOTHING unwanted is present. I do not see how music could sound better than this.
The decision to go with a low powered SET tube amp and horns from large 500w SS mono blocks is 150% rewarded. I will never look back with how things not sound but ’feel’. It is truly not even comparable, my previous setup vs this. It is a world of difference in enjoyment and naturalness. Natural natural natural. I think even my wife will be able to notice this with ease.
-Comparisons are done via CD (oppo 105) through 219ia on integrated mode. Using vinyl would not serve any function as I am still using my marantz 7701 built in phono, thus i would not be utilizing the pre amp of the 219ia with my current vinyl set up. (to be replaced with ZP3 soon).
RCA’s- A pretty noticeable improvement. Soundstage widened, this sounds more open, deeper, more involving. Vocals even more real.
Let amp cool. Roll in the west germany smooth plate telefunkens.
Teles- God forbid. Any even bigger improvement. The vocals are SURREAL. The instruments even more separated, the soundstage huge, everything is smooth and lush. I am blown away right now. Their is so much detail and NOTHING unwanted is present. I do not see how music could sound better than this.
The decision to go with a low powered SET tube amp and horns from large 500w SS mono blocks is 150% rewarded. I will never look back with how things not sound but ’feel’. It is truly not even comparable, my previous setup vs this. It is a world of difference in enjoyment and naturalness. Natural natural natural. I think even my wife will be able to notice this with ease.