PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

I like your approach and priority placed on the actual listening quality, isn’t this the whole point of having home audio, to "enjoy" music reproduction?
I get the big powerful high current bipolar transistor concept to manhandle any and all speaker loads. This doesn’t mean or ensure necessarily good quality of sounnd. I really appreciate the input coupled interstage transformer and only two stages of gain design of Ypsilon, very smart! Quality watts indeed. I wish you could directly compare this amplifier to the D'Agostino on your Thiels,  two very different design concepts. 
Dealer alert but here goes: I have the BHK 300’s on my TAD CR1’S and couldn’t be happier. Ps audio planned on offering a solid state input option but the tube input just trounced it for sound quality. To me that’s a big deal since I have found hybrid seems to sound best on my system. And of course the ability to tube roll gives another level of tweak ability vs. a pure solid state design. If you ever travel to NYC and want to hear ours give me a shout out at Triodepicturesound.
Since PS audio repurposed the casework from their power products and makes things on a larger production scale, the amps are half the price or less than probably anyone else could produce them for, so you’re likely getting a $30-40k amp for the bargain price of$15k.  Why spend more?  Use the extra cash for stellar cables like the Audioquest Wel signature and Niagara 7000 power conditioner which I can attest work extremely well with these amps - yes huge mono blocks benefitting greatly in dynamics and detail  from power conditioning!  
I believe Robert Harley bought his review pair of BHK 300's.  
Thanks emailists, yes i found the BHK 300's to be very reasonably priced for such nice hybrid monos.
I am also a hybrid believer as i like very much Aesthetix design.
I have to see if i can find a dealer to audition the BHK 300's.
Anyway happy new year to all of you audiophile guys.
emailists i forgot to ask you what preamp are you using with the BHK 300's ?
Is it the BHK Signature preamp ? if so how good is it ?
tomcy6 thanks i did read the Stereophile reviews of the Ypsilon monos and preamp.
Seemingly no love for the Modwright KWA-150SE amps in bridged mono mode. FWIW, i’ve heard the original KWA-150 & thought it had was very well engineered and finished. It had "plenty" of power as a single stereo amp to drive even a moderately difficult load in let’s say a medium size listening room. And the KWA-150SE has even more control. Run in bridged mono mode, the Modwright amps should be able to drive all but the most amp-crushing loads.

Sonically, I found the Modwright warm and tube-like. It has excellent resolution & inner detail, and as a result is one of the few amps i’ve heard at that price point which sounds musical at low listening levels. I think these amps are underrated, perhaps because they’ve been around for a while.