Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  

Hi Richard, actually what the performance comparison between CS2 and the M625S2+Corus combo highlights is that the latter com bo was designed to a price point Three times higher than Continuum S2, and that it contains circuit sophistications not possible to meet CS2’s pricepoint.

Were you to compare the performance of the class A/B M625 S2 to the class D M925 monos flagship, which costsover three times as much as M625 S2, you might be tempted to draw an equally unwarranted conclusion that class D is inherently superior to class A/B... Which of course would be a fallacy as well.

In learning about Class D, it appears that after the linear signal is destroyed and turned into a saw tooth wave form, the output filter? tries to put the signal back together...doing an incredible job considering the complexity of this task...but ultimately is unable to restore micro details to recreate the original signal...which people such as myself notice very quickly, while others either don’t notice or enjoy the new coloration.
It is silly, to avoid using stronger word. You originated this thread pretending you want to learn about class D, while knowing you hate it.
I will remember your login and will be careful to answer your posts next time.
It is silly, to avoid using stronger word. You originated this thread pretending you want to learn about class D, while knowing you hate it.
I will remember your login and will be careful to answer your posts next time.
I've learned a ton about Class D from this thread and I appreciate everyone's input (including yours). I began this thread after having a poor experience with Ice Power. I wanted to like that tiny powerhouse and kept trying to talk myself into getting used to its tonal qualities. 

My goal has been to learn about Class D in general as well as limitations and strengths of the technology. It's hard to not step on toes when seeking to uncover information that is potentially upsetting to promoters of the technology. I would not have began this thread if I had given up on this technology as the internet has enough trolls. Happy New Years to all classes of amp lovers.  
You originated this thread pretending you want to learn about class D, while knowing you hate it.
I will remember your login and will be careful to answer your posts next time.
Maybe it's some that are so pro Class-D as it stands, and can't/refuse to see that it's maybe it's not become of age yet.
If they can concede that Technics with their SE-R1 are showing the way in the area of switching noise frequency development, maybe then there'll be an even faster development in that area by other class-d manufacturers demanding to have those components to make it happen. 

Cheers George