Dumb question #643: should speaker cables last a lifetime?

This assumes I take proper care, normal non extreme environment, etc. and the cables are high quality (shielding, etc). Will cables corrode internally on their own over time or should they last a lifetime?
The wires will last unless you cut them or run over them with the vacuum.  Whoever said you need to replace them every six months doesn't know what they are talking about, just like the president elect.
The Zu are well made cables and should be good for many years.
A lifetime (now about 80 years) might be pushing it. Heck, by the time that happens we probably will have speaker implants in our heads.
@stereo5  shadorne has been posting here an awfully long time I am certain his post was tongue in cheek.
"@stereo5 shadorne has been posting here an awfully long time I am certain his post was tongue in cheek." I see that now he has something like 5K+ posts. In that case, I stand corrected. I’m was reading it on my iPhone and it didn’t show the number of posts. My apologies to shadorne. It did sound awful fishy, lol.

I am a "cable" guy, first and foremost. This is the forgotten component by many. No doubt that the technology and materials change profoundly every 10 years or so.  To answer your query- yes cables can a lifetime. After 20 years will there be a significant update? Yes as well. At some point in the future your gear will sound dated no matter how good it was brand new.
Cabling will age and/or sound dated too.