PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

Tom did you trade in your CS 7.2s for the YG Annats ?
What amp would you recomment to a CS 3.7 - CS 7.2 owner ?
Audionet Max very good ?


I completely agree that tubes should be in any system in which 3.7s are the loudspeaker.  I got great results with a tube preamp mated to a high current solid state amp.  With good source material such a setup performs at a level with systems costing more IMHO. With poor source material though 3.7s are an unforgiving mistress.  

teeshot: "I completely agree that tubes should be in any system in which 3.7s are the loudspeaker. I got great results with a tube preamp mated to a high current solid state amp. With good source material such a setup performs at a level with systems costing more IMHO. With poor source material though 3.7s are an unforgiving mistress."

Exactly. Perhaps even more so with the 7.2s due to that 6k peak. Same goes for amps with a hot treble region or a lean overall balance.

Best to you teeshot,

I think you’ve made your point Charles and we all agree. Listening is the best way to choose an amp but specs are not meaningless. The only remaining problem is that sometimes you need to listen for weeks or months to really get the sound of an amplifier and decide it’s the right one. I don’t think Thieliste’s dealer will be willing to hang out that long.