Calling all VDH Colibri Fanatics and Experts ...

In your own experience of this wonderful cart, what setup parameters has optimized the Colibri in your own system in terms of VTA, VTF, cartridge loading and others. Your valuable suggestions and experiences are all welcome and appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Hi, it sounds good. A little bit of less low end, but here at work i have not the best playbacksystem.

Is the recording from the original Japan pressing?
You can look at my Discogs collection (name: orangeaudio)
If you find a vinyl that you also have, we can compare the recordings.
OK. I went through your collection and I have some of these pressings. I will try to rip something of this and post the sample so we can compare. Interesting that you have Gwrman pressing of Van Halen 1984 which I just ordered as I am not too happy with Rhino 2010 and 30th Anniversary from 2015. Rhino is very bright and sibilant while 30th Ann. Is about right but Hot For Teacher is quite sibilant.  I hope original German press is free of this. 
Here is the sample from Suzanne Vega st German pressing. Very good example of the my major Issue with my Colibri - sibilance in the right channel. I think I dialed all antiskating possibilities yet it is still there. Does your copy have that sibilance?
Puhhhh, this is heavy. I have no vinyl with this problems.
The Van Halen is from my youth and in no good condition.
Do you have listet your collection online?

What tonearm do you have?