GARY BEDINI and JOHN BEDINI have passed on 11-6-16

My friends Gary and John Bedini have passed .......They will be missed by the people who knew them and worked with them........Gary died on Sunday 11-6-16 and John Bedini died a few hours later........The service will be in Hayden, Idaho on 11-11-16             autospec
Sad news. I had several of John Bedini's products back in the day (6677 preamp, 100/100 1 Meg amp) and still have one of his 200 wpc diode-emitter amps in a closet waiting for the right project.

Lots of controversy about his later "free energy" claims later in his career but the man could really design an amplifier. I remember at an early Chicago CES he was demonstrating one of his amps by arc-welding with the output!

I go by Hayden ID several times a year and always meant to stop in and introduce myself. Sadly, I waited too long. I didn't know John had a twin brother. I hope they both rest in peace.

Gary was four years younger than John Bedini.....They were not twins but worked together their whole lives........The service was quite nice.....Autospec
Just to dispel any misinformation, John and Gary passed away on Saturday Nov 5, not Nov 6.
To tonykay, there is nothing more to this story, Gary passed from cancer and John passed due to a heart attack, or more like a broken heart💔