To all:
Ignore Melbguy. Don’t let him get to you. He trolls speaker threads to extol his love for Magico usually by way of insulting the manufacturer and demeaning the hearing capabilities of those who prefer any speaker other than Magico.
Standard behavior for most of us commenting on a thread not involving our preferred brand would be to suggest that perhaps someone in the thread should consider brand x because we either purchased them after careful comparison and deliberation or heard them at a dealer. Not Melbuy who comes on so strong that he makes any thread veer off course into an argument about how Magico is or is not the best speaker manufacturer in the world as a matter of incontrovertible fact.
His first comment hear was the usual Melbguy sixth grade insult: "TAD Reference Loudspeakers", that’s an oxymoron isn’t it?" Then followed up with how all of the TADs he has heard make his ears hurt followed by how TADs are "bright and fatiguing"--"Pioneer midfi dressed up as Zegna", when he tried to listen to TADs, "my ears were bleeding", because they are just "souped up Pioneers". God forbid that you defend your preference for another brand especially after having heard Magico and not chosen them, he calls you a "fanboi". There is only one "fanboi" on this thread and that’s Magico Melbguy.
Let’s look at the facts-- this self anointed speaker expert is actually insulting Andrew Jones who designed the TAD speaker in question and is known throughout the industry as one of the finest loudspeaker designers alive. He is now at Elac where he has already designed a great entry level loudspeaker that has received universal praise from virtually all critics. As for the TADs, they are, of course, is a great sounding line of speakers in their respective price ranges by a bespoke company which has tremendous talent and resources at hand. I know I’ve never heard a TAD loudspeaker that I didn’t like. And I have heard many.
Ignore Melbguy. Don’t let him get to you. He trolls speaker threads to extol his love for Magico usually by way of insulting the manufacturer and demeaning the hearing capabilities of those who prefer any speaker other than Magico.
Standard behavior for most of us commenting on a thread not involving our preferred brand would be to suggest that perhaps someone in the thread should consider brand x because we either purchased them after careful comparison and deliberation or heard them at a dealer. Not Melbuy who comes on so strong that he makes any thread veer off course into an argument about how Magico is or is not the best speaker manufacturer in the world as a matter of incontrovertible fact.
His first comment hear was the usual Melbguy sixth grade insult: "TAD Reference Loudspeakers", that’s an oxymoron isn’t it?" Then followed up with how all of the TADs he has heard make his ears hurt followed by how TADs are "bright and fatiguing"--"Pioneer midfi dressed up as Zegna", when he tried to listen to TADs, "my ears were bleeding", because they are just "souped up Pioneers". God forbid that you defend your preference for another brand especially after having heard Magico and not chosen them, he calls you a "fanboi". There is only one "fanboi" on this thread and that’s Magico Melbguy.
Let’s look at the facts-- this self anointed speaker expert is actually insulting Andrew Jones who designed the TAD speaker in question and is known throughout the industry as one of the finest loudspeaker designers alive. He is now at Elac where he has already designed a great entry level loudspeaker that has received universal praise from virtually all critics. As for the TADs, they are, of course, is a great sounding line of speakers in their respective price ranges by a bespoke company which has tremendous talent and resources at hand. I know I’ve never heard a TAD loudspeaker that I didn’t like. And I have heard many.