Need help with DIN to RCA phono cable troubleshooting

Somehow, I am currently having an issue with an apparent ground problem with my DIN (female five pin straight connector) to RCA phono cable. The arm is a Dynavector 501 mounted on a custom plinth, supporting a Garrard 401 table.

There is a reduction in overall volume, bass frequencies are MIA, and this is all accompanied by a loud hum. I have tried doing a continuity test from a spare headshell to the ground cable, and RCA terminations. I can't tell where the ground was interrupted, I need guidance in how to test for proper continuity in relation to signal and ground leads. Also, I don't know where the shielding should be connected, so a thorough explanation will be needed.

 Thanks for any help that can be given.
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

In some instances a meter can burn out coils in a MC cartridge.  
I believe the above "in some instances" is when using an old style
needle type analog meter. Otherwise your ok.

Totem  395, You both are right. ''Some'' (quantor) is true if there

is at least one object (aka ''entitity'') which satisfy given condition

(someone has stolen my car. Dover is the person who deed it).

''All Volt meters will burn out the coils'' is not true if there is one

Volt meter which does not burn out the coils.

To me an Volt meter is as important as the stylus brush. Those

are the se called ''neccesary  intruments''. Consider checking

those coils in advance instead of doing all the adjustment work

a priori and discovering afterward that the coils are defective.

Dover thanks. You are an excelent teacher.


Should the ground wire from pin 5 in the Din5 connector

be split in two such that each can be soldered to the pin 1 on the

XLR connectors? Or should only the (floating) shield of both

channels be connected to the pin 1 on the XLR connectors?

The ground of the DIN goes to pin 1 of both XLRs.
@nandric , This:
Nandric - for all phono both balanced and unbalanced the arm earth ( 5th pin ) should be a separate wire which you connect to preamp chassis. This simply grounds the arm itself and has nothing to do with the cartridge signal.

Floating shields on the signal cables should only be connected to earth at one end.
In the RCA's at the preamp end I connect the floating shield ( assuming a twisted pair plus shield construction ) to the chassis by cutting the connection to the RCA and soldering a tail for connection to the preamp chassis. This reduces the opportunity for noise collected by the shield to enter the phono signal in a single ended system.
In this arrangement you end up with 3 earth leads to connect to the preamp chassis - tonearm earth/ground plus left and right channel floating shield earth/ground.

XLR's have a separate -ve signal and earth/ground in a balanced system. Therefore you only need to ensure the shield is connected to the earth/ground pin which is already separated from the -ve signal. The tonearm end is left floating ( not connected ).
-is mostly incorrect!

The tone arm is in fact the ground (which is the ground wire in a single-ended system). So the arm wand provides a grounded shield to the cartridge wires within. This continues through the DIN connection and splits to the shields of the left and right channels. At the XLR connection it ties to pin 1 which is ground). In this way the shield is constant from the cartridge to the input of the phono section.

Note that the ground is otherwise not part of the cartridge signal and should be ignored by the phono section in any event (otherwise Common Mode Rejection Ratio will suffer).

In a single-ended system it is advantageous to prevent the ground side of the RCA connection from being shorted to the phono preamp chassis (otherwise it is possible to introduce ground loops). So the only ground to be seen at the chassis should be the ground wire of the arm itself and not the minus outputs of the cartridge!

My Gosh, I feel, so to speak, as involved in a dispute between

Stalin and Beria. Those two were the highest  authorities in the

''good old Sovjet Union''. However we also have our authorities

in this forum while I have some experience with communist regime.

According to this experience I should pretend to be deaf as well

as mute and wait for Dover's response.  


I dont agree with your comment that my solution above is incorrect.
Maybe you misunderstood what I wrote.
The tone arm is in fact the ground (which is the ground wire in a single-ended system). So the arm wand provides a grounded shield to the cartridge wires within.
This continues through the DIN connection and splits to the shields of the left and right channels.
I don’t think this is optimal in a signal ended system. The fifth pin grounds the arm. You run the risk that if someone connects the shield to the RCA at the preamp end then an earth loop is created.

My suggested solution outlined above is to separate the floating shields covering the signal cables and earth the floating shields on the signal cables separately at the preamp end ( assuming twisted pair plus shield signal cable construct ) to the preamp grounding post.

What I actually said was that in a cable that has a conventional twisted pair plus shield construct that I prefer to disconnect the floating shield from the RCA and connect the floating shield ( not the -ve signal from the cartridge ) to the preamp grounding post/chassis via drain wires.

If I read your post correctly you are grounding the floating signal shields at the sending end ( tonearm ) via the arm ground wire to the preamp chassis, whereas I ground the floating signal shields at the preamp end separately to the preamp grounding post. Since all three shields are floating and only connected at one end they cannot create an earth loop.

In my experience my arrangement has demonstrably lowered the noise floor.
In a single-ended system it is advantageous to prevent the ground side of the RCA connection from being shorted to the phono preamp chassis (otherwise it is possible to introduce ground loops). So the only ground to be seen at the chassis should be the ground wire of the arm itself and not the minus outputs of the cartridge!
In my post above I never suggested connecting the ground side of the RCA connection to the preamp chassis.

Again, what I actually said was that in a cable that has a conventional twisted pair plus shield construct that I prefer to disconnect the floating shield from the RCA and connect the floating shield ( not the -ve signal from the cartridge ) to the preamp chassis via drain wires. In my experience that arrangement has lowered the noise floor.

In summary the only difference between you and me is that in a single ended system you ground the floating signal shields to the DIN whereas I ground the floating signal shields at the preamp ( ground post ) end by separating the floating shield from the RCA and running drain wires ( leaving the DIN end floating.