Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?

My system is feeling pretty tube-y and I was looking for suggestions of a solid state amps that people are liking with their original Quad ESLs. Looking for more speed and more of the bass I know the Quads can put out if set up right.
ct0517                     01-09-2017

  " btw - do your amps have a brand name ?"

" No. The amp I refer to as "my amp" was a joint project with four other friends. Five amps were built, each one slightly different. Four stereo versions, each with separate power supplies, while mine was built as mono-blocks. " 
Four of the amps were used to drive Quads, and one was used to drive a pair of Apogees. Three were built to produce 40 watts per channel, which was thought to be safer for the Quads. My friend with the Apogees actually used 16 output transistors per channel. This lead to heated arguments between us.

I am no longer in possession of the amp.


This must be how people get hooked on drugs; following this discussion - with no interest in or prior knowledge of Quad speakers, then all of a sudden a pair of 57s come up for sale on the A'gone, completely restored in an incredible shape and affordably priced (for me), which can be paired with a Quad amp for sale on the opposite coast from a very reputable dealer, all a click away on my PayPal account. You guys are exactly what my parents warned me about....
kalali- i don't know what is on offer, but keep in mind that most of the original Quads do need some work, whether it is sympathetic restoration, repairing or replacing panels or both- you have to factor that in, unless the pair you are looking at have already been redone by a reputable restorer and not abused since. Kent McCollum of Electrostat Solutions is the person I'm having restore my old Quad loudspeaker. There was a double pair restored by him that a friend recently pointed me to for sale here, but that takes it to a whole other level....

A friend of mine runs his 3 stack ( 6 panels) with 6 Quad 2 mono amps these were made for the 57's and i have to say they sound wonderful, deep base fast and articulate and highs mids to die for. i recomend you get another set of 57's and some Quad 2 amps and enjoy.  ok maybe extream but the Quad amps are made to run these speakers and do so very well.

When you stack more then one set the base filles out alot and the panels just fill the whole room.

glennewdick                     1-09-2017

I have heard stacked Quads. AWESOME  It was at " Sound Components "  a high quality dealership in Miami. They had in the their showroom a system referred to as the " HQD" system. Stacked Quads, one Decca Ribbon tweeter and a 24" Harley sub-woofer housed in what looked like a coffin.
But this is the first time I have heard of stacking 3 pairs of Quads.

The funny thing is that when I had my Quads I was never aware, while listening to music, of any deficiency in the bass or treble. It was only when my brain kept telling me the bass did not go low enough and that the high frequencies were rolled off.