Quicksilver V4 amps with KT150


I recently pick up a 5 year old pair of Quicksilver V4 amps.

I contacted Quicksilver and Mike confirmed that it can use KT150 tubes even though it does not have the latest transformer. He felt the KT150 would be a “significant improvement” over the KT88’s.

While I respect Mike’s opinion I am looking for feedback from anyone using the KT150 in their V4’s before I spend $800.00 or so on new tubes.


Old thread but; did you try the kt150 in the V4's and how did it sound?

I have a 2009 pair and run the kt120 even though they were not designed for that tube. Sounds great. I understand that the only extra benefit that you will not get with the updated transformers is the power output at 170w.

Sorry I never followed up my post.

Unfortunately I never got to try them. 

Long story but I had issues with my tube order and the amps sound so good with the KT88's I gave up on trying KT150.
Mike's a great guy.... I needed some help when i re-tubed my mid monos.  His support of his products is among the best of any company,  large or small in my 35 years in this hobby.  

For what its worth I put Gold Lion kt88s in my amps and they are the best sounding variety I've ever used.   They were great amps with EL34s but in a whole different league with those fat bottles. 

It turned out that a driver tube blew when i powered it up to bias.  Turned out to be a coincidence but I didn't want to power it back up without talking to him first.

Anyway,  I love those amps...... I'll be ordering his 120 monos after my daughter graduates next year.