Two pieces of good advice:
1. Never believe anything written / spoken by white people, about black people, and their history and culture.
2. Never believe anything written / spoken by black people, about black people, and their history and culture.
And no, I did not make a typo in #2.
When its come to race, everyone has an agenda. The central theme being what I call "feel good history". Every other group has an "Old Country", so black folks want one also.
Every CD I own by Weston has some so-called African theme, if nothing but the clothes he wears on the cover. But I never hear any African in the music. He is just trying to create history out of thin air.
Even Ellington went around the Third world trying to find the source of certain music, and found it all to be much ado about nothing. He cut his tour short and came home.
Africans take their cue from, and are influenced, by AMERICAN / WESTERN musicians, not the other way around. If Blues, Jazz etc... was from Africa, it would still be there.
The African contribution to music centers around the Human Voice. In that area, they are unmatched! They have a sound that no one else can duplicate.
Some of this African stuff is sort of like 'Indian" music we used to hear in the western cowboy movies. When the soundtrack played 'Indian' music we knew they were coming.
Did Real Indians really play that music in their villages? Or were we just conditioned to associate it with Indians. Same goes for oriental and Latino locations. The music told us the location. Was it legit, or Hollywood? Same with "African" music. Esp the Drum nonsense.
The best percussion I have ever heard comes from Cuba and other latin American countries.
Just one Frenchman's Opinion.