Biggest difference between Audioquest power cables against Shunyata power cables?

Hi everyone I upgraded/ bought another couple of power cables for my system. A Audioquest nrg1000 for my tube preamp and A Zitron alpha analog for my tube power amp. Though the imaging is better with the two power cables switched. I also did notice that it seams that shunyata gives a bit more juice in the power amp. And the cord end dose not heat up at the cord end to the tube power amp? Has anyone experienced or has a nrg-1000 in a 120watt tube power amplifier?
I have AQ Wel PC (newest version), I will check to see if the terminals are hot to the touch.
I just did a dealer demo today with nrg1000 for the cd player and preamp and a shunyata alpha anolog for the Cary power amp. I had the best made match in heaven never going back and the amp never loss of power at all.

Do you ever post anything that is even remotely helpful to anyone? Seriously.
