the best amp to run the bass of infinity RS-1b's

I have a pair of infinity rs 1b's and am running them with a pair of bryston 4b-st's. I have a nakamichi dragon 3 piece cd setup with a nakamichi CA7A pre-amp to the brystons. I have 2 pairs of mit MH-750 CVTerminator II cables to the speakers. I am looking at a pair of Bryston 7b's at 500/ch at 8ohms, 800/ch at 4ohms. Classe Ca-400 400/ch at 8ohms, 800/ch at 4ohms. Mcintosh mc2500 500/ch at 8ohms. Perreaux 5150b at 500/ch 8ohms. I like rock,jazz country and classical. All the amps are for sale in my area and I am wondering which would give me the best punch and sound for the type of music i listen to.

Thanks for the help
Hello dayradebaugh

are you able to demo the Ayre, Bryston, Classe' or Krell?
For sheer high power- Bryston and Krell will be a sonic match for the Infinity speakers.  Happy Listening!
The better Class D amps can work well on the bottom. Just food for thought...

Bill Watkins Sr, inventor of the Infinity Watkins Dual-Drive woofer (the predecessor to the Infinity woofer used in the IRS Beta) once told me he preferred Threshold amps with the big Infinities.

The Threshold S500 Series II Class A amps with optical bias were a popular choice, with ARC tubes driving the mid/tweeter panels.
Thanks.  Hadn't considered Threshold, but will put them on the list.  Has anyone heard Spectral driving the woofers?

By the way, I had the woofers rebuilt by Watkins several years ago.  Did a fine job.