Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

Where I think Bo reveals his hubris is the claim:
It has nothing to do with a personal taste. People in audio think and believe the best way of creating an audio system is based on personal preference.
Really, this whole hobby is about preference, isn’t it? Yes, there are objective measurements and observations that we can make. But even the best audio system is just an imitation of the real thing, so some kinds of trade-offs have to be made along the way.

The preferences never end ... from choosing formats to taste in music, from deciding what’s reasonable to spend to deciding how much time we’re willing to commit to maintenance and tweaking. The notion that any one person can decide what’s best for me or you - especially in an internet forum with people we can’t possibly know - is just beyond silly.

Frankly, no matter the context: I don’t trust self-proclaimed gurus. That’s rarely where knowledge is found, ime. Some of the most knowledgeable people here are the most patient and polite.
Excellent comments! Wise, concise and profound in their truthfulness.
The strangest and most self-defeating marketing campaign I ever witnessed...

Bo has simply discovered the weird directivity effects of ribbons. Nothing new about that. A ribbon tweeter is much too tall for the frequencies it is transmitting. This means you get weird flanger comb filter type effects - some frequencies totally cancel out while others reinforce. This is the 3D he has discovered. It is laughable really because this is an artifact. It isnt high fidelity at all. It really messes with the sound and your perception of where it is coming from as a function of frequency. Some frequencies will come from ceiling and some from only side walls and others from the speakers. Basically a total mess if you are a purist and seek high fidelity. But great if you like weird SFX and point sources to become larger than they should.

You also get weird artifacts with an Appolito design. He may have discovered this also. Nothing he has discovered has not been known for already 30 years. However he thinks he is on to something new because most speaker companies shun these type designs that give inconsistent 3D artifacts in favor of accuracy and high fidelity.

is this your web page and is this your system setup?



to Crazyeddy’s thread subject.

Personally. I have known two Wilson speaker owners over the years, of which I actually heard their systems. This was a long time ago. Both were using their shared living rooms and were married. The first guy had speakers on castors and was anal about room positioning. He would roll them out to the tape markings on the floor when listening and push them back to the front wall when not in use. The second fellow, he had them arranged along the front wall, very similar to the system shown in Bo1972’s url link above. Both could be described as audiophiles and music lovers. Different expectations.