HDMI Cable comparisons

I'm retiring my XBR CRT and installing an Elite plasma very soon. I've gotten mixed suggestions regarding HDMI quality and brand. I'm interested in hearing comparisons of cables you may have upgraded and the differences. Are there any HDMI cable reviews?

It seems like there is a lot going on in such a small package.
BTW Bob, I would consider those Blue Jeans cables to be in order with appropriate pricing and in-spec cabling...
Hi all- the reviewers at Audioholics have already performed some exstensive thesting. Go to this link http://www.audioholics.com/education/cables/long-hdmi-cable-bench-tests to see the results. Not much difference in the cables, inexpensive or otherwise, until the cables start to grow in length. And then the differences ARE obvious.

What I've read so far. HDMI is only affected by it's length. Smaller gauge runs beyond forty feet can begin to drop out. 22AWG is available for runs up to 100'. Many who suggest that other than a slight improvement in a cables construction there is no difference in the cables performance have suggested reasonably priced Monoprice or Blue Jean as their vendor of choice.
Both retailers offer varying levels of design. Varying AWG from 28-22AWG, silver coated copper conductors, ferrite filters, etc..

SDI (unbalanced coax) is the professional standard which is not affected by length, less prone to RF interference, and has a locking termination. HDMI is the consumer industry standard which is balanced, has nineteen conductors, and a complicated termination held by friction.

There are a number of consumers who have reported that they have experienced an increase in performance. While Home Theater magazine has the equipment and the knowledge to measure an HDMI cables performance they've measured none. As someone above suggested an understandable reasoning why they haven't.

I'm still unsure, more later.

Vic- follow the link in my response above. Audioholics has done the testing; an excellent review.



Actually, no, I wasn't really. I was pointing to the less than wide spread use of HDMI on likewise components from makers such as BAT... EMM... Cary... aero ... etc. or any such firm which makes devices that could use HDMI to some degree or entirely... yet do not... in favor of previous standards, AES, SPDIF, or TOS, as their digital interface choices.

The paranoid side of me says, "it's so cable makers can keep making more money, and by so doing the device makers don't rock the boat there" another more sane side says, "it's most likely due to the design requirements which are needed to implement the HDMI aspect in lieu of or in addition to, those curent standards."

Either case however supports a lengtheir span before widespread integration will take place in top flight components.

And yes, a couple grand for a disc player is in the game IMO, as I believe that entry fee puts it well outside the mass media buying market.

In all honesty, it may well be both aspects.

Personally, I dig the HDMI interface as a solution. I'm not too keen on the once in a while shutting down and restarting to get the "hand shake" thingy going on, but that's a rare issue... For me, anyhow. Let's face it, it sure would be a big benefit for the consumer too. Although the HDMI implementation was put inp place to be sujpportive of copyright infringements and not so much as a user friendly interface.... that's simply a by product. Let's not even mention the cleaner esthetic appeal.

hell, come to think of it, then everything would need a digital facet too .... pramps, amps, and speakers.

OK. Scratch that. Sorry. Both sides of my brain haven't been talking to each other lately.