Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

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Thank you timrhu and czarivey for the visual aids, it helps my comprehension immensely.

I thought I was ok until clearthink brought up "the world of music reproduction systems is shifting from one of widdley-tiddley voodoo to TruFi, which is recognized by all who hear it."

Unfortunately, I have spent years tuning my modest system to produce the most accurate widdley-tiddley voodoo possible. And now I ask, what next!
Bo should meet Audiotroy who works for Audio Doctor from Jersey City NJ. I call that shop the king of audio hyperbole. Whatever they are selling at any time (and that changes like the wind) is the best ever based upon the best engineering and is, simply, well undeniably the best there is at 3x, 5x or whatever the cost. Audiotroy pollutes threads with claims of superior knowledge and superior experience and then spouts pure unadulterated salesmanship. Audiotroy is pushing the new Paradigm speakers which I have heard and are worthy of some praise.  
 Bo does the same thing as he relentlessly pushes Monitor speakers which I can also attest are excellent speakers for the $ throughout the line. Bo is the king of a kind of vague, meandering, audio verbosity.
Many of us have auditioned many speakers with many combinations of electronics before making our choice. Many of us have selected speakers which we believe (as do many others) are superior to Paradigm's or Monitor's latest.
So----Wouldn't it be great if Audiogon limited Audiotroy's and Bo's membership to a special thread in which only they could participate. There they would be condemned forever to speak and sell only to each other. It would be sad and hilarious. But at least we would be entertained by them instead of bothered by them. 
I used to engage in threads with many of the members who are here for the right reasons---to share their joy, love and experience in this wonderful hobby which revolves around the love of music and how we hear it. But lately, I've come to feel like a bit of a hall monitor calling out the bad guys because I am so sick of blatantly close minded members who claim to have superior knowledge and spend their time lecturing others as to why their favorite brands are scientifically and factually superior to any other. They are not engineers and indeed often simply repeat the promotional highlights that are available to us on their brand's website. I hold in especially low regard audio salesmen who do this as they do not belong here.
Can I get a witness?