Love sharing...
No doubt is how the pie taste, cheap perfectly cooked ingredients makes good pie.
But amazing ingredience fresh from the garden, perfectly cooked with an amazing latticework cap is so much better, both visually and taste wise.
When you start to charge big money for a product a certain level
of workmanship will be expected by most people.
For instance... You are building your client a race engine, he's expecting forged rods and Pistons, Ferrea valves and a camshaft that's been ice hardened. But you have found a way to make the engine run great on cheap parts and because of that you just made a ton of money.... pending on that the client doesn't open up the engine....
Now to be honest I do engineering work, and my forte is to find a better way to make the Mose trap..trap I.E. even if he used the best parts I would have tinkered away to make it better, that's just me...
As for the frequency sweep it is an indication on what's going on, maybe not the last
word but close enough. The Walsh driver is wonderful and capable, and if you like the
omni directional style of presentation hard to beat.
Adding a rear tweeter in phase with the Walsh driver is a must, but a volume control must be used to balance the presentation. The ribbon is a revelation giving you the missing imaging capabilities of other designs....a must.
Question everything......🇸🇪
No doubt is how the pie taste, cheap perfectly cooked ingredients makes good pie.
But amazing ingredience fresh from the garden, perfectly cooked with an amazing latticework cap is so much better, both visually and taste wise.
When you start to charge big money for a product a certain level
of workmanship will be expected by most people.
For instance... You are building your client a race engine, he's expecting forged rods and Pistons, Ferrea valves and a camshaft that's been ice hardened. But you have found a way to make the engine run great on cheap parts and because of that you just made a ton of money.... pending on that the client doesn't open up the engine....
Now to be honest I do engineering work, and my forte is to find a better way to make the Mose trap..trap I.E. even if he used the best parts I would have tinkered away to make it better, that's just me...
As for the frequency sweep it is an indication on what's going on, maybe not the last
word but close enough. The Walsh driver is wonderful and capable, and if you like the
omni directional style of presentation hard to beat.
Adding a rear tweeter in phase with the Walsh driver is a must, but a volume control must be used to balance the presentation. The ribbon is a revelation giving you the missing imaging capabilities of other designs....a must.
Question everything......🇸🇪