recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range

Been obsessing over trying to select a new phono pre .... could use some insights / experience  etc. and then some dealers to contact.

At this point I think I have the list down to either a Sutherland 20/20 or the Parasound JC3+.... was looking hard at the Whest 30RDT SE but it seems to be a little out of my price range and none on the used market. 

I am currently using a well modified Jolida JD9, and have rolled quite a few tubes through it.  

I want a phono pre that is more detailed / articulate, images better... don't care if it is tube or electronic.
Thanks for your thoughts and opinions    Jim
Let's not forget the Ayre P5XE, you can pick one up in the used market for less than $2k.  Dead silent, full sounding and neutral.  
I have a Parasound JC-3+ that takes input from a Dynavector XX2 MkII. Heaven. 

I also have an Ayre QB-9 DSD which I absolutely love, so you might want to look at the P5XE as nycjlee suggests. (I have not heard it)
Take a look at the Aesthetix Rhea. Plenty of loading options and you can use the remote control to select them.
I use and recommend the AYRE P-5xe, particularly if you have a balanced system in which case you should go to the trouble to use a balanced phono cable.