Which is better Coax or Optical cables

I wanted to get some opinions on which provides better sound, coax or optical cables.  Is there a benefit to using one over the other?  Is there a brand/model you recommend?

I have the Tellurium Q Black Digital coax cable, astonishing sound : natural ,transparent and spacious soundstage.
The downside, it’s a revealing cable that immediately will expose bad recordings and weaknesses in your system.
After buying it I noticed that my power amp and CD weren't good enough and upgraded both also many bad recordings can't be heard anymore especially those made at the 80's unfortunately. But good cable should be faithful and revealing ...
Use Coax never optical unless absolutely necessary. Just think about whats happening to the digital signal and conversion losses, it matters... 

Caution: The optical inputs are not recommended for DSD or for sample rates above 96 kHz. Optical connections may be unreliable at sample rates above 96 kHz.

Give it a try.... Money back Guarantee if you prefer your Coax, but feedback tells us this is a more "analog" sounding cable.


what about the previous comment that says "Caution: The optical inputs are not recommended for DSD or for sample rates above 96 kHz. Optical connections may be unreliable at sample rates above 96 kHz. "  Is this true?