Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?

I am looking for a universal player to match my Von Schweikert vr4 jr's and Cary cinema 5 amp. I am using a complete Von Schweikert system with 2 subs. I heard the onkyo was excellent. Any opinions or other suggestions?
Rmaidenburg, I said an audio based know like this one, AA or Audiocircle were you will find zero mention of sync issues from any sp 1000 owner.

You will also not find any "troll like" comments about the sp 1000 sounding terrible.
Audio Girl,
I gaurantee your systym sounds better than mine at this time, thats not the point.
My 2 channel systym has been mostly sold and currently being changed and hopefully for the better.
Better = sonically pleasing to me and not to compete whith yours, or any other set up.

You obviously take exception to me posting about a favorable comparison of a normally mid fi brand to your player, when you should be directing your anger elsewhere.

I said to not shoot the messenger, and you have done anything but, ever since.

So enjoy your set up and maybe direct your anger at the reviewer instead of the messenger.
Sorry, but as a former Onkyo DV-SP1000 owner, I do have to to agree with Audio_girl about one thing: The Linn Unidisc is sonically in a different league than the Onkyo. I was totally shocked on how awesome the Linn sounded on all formats! Easily the best I have ever heard. If I had the cash, I would buy the Unidisc without hesitation...its that good. She let me borrow the Linn for a few days to try out in my system, and I almost cried when I had to give it back!
The video is alittle better on the Onkyo, however.
Just my 2 cents.
Ears, you need to read both of my posts again. I never wrote the Onkyo sounded terrible. I do not know how many times I have to repeat myself to make you understand. I did write that my DaViD II sounded better. I have heard far better than my DaViD II as well, which is, of course, one of the reasons why I hope to upgrade later this year. That does not mean that my DaViD II sounds terrible either. All of this is, of course, relative.

With respect to an audio based board, whatever that may be, neither AudiogoN nor AVS Forum are solely relegated to audio. Moreover, this thread, started by Rotabel, asked about the Onkyo as a "universal" player which of course includes its video performance.

There is a very well known and documented A/V sync issue with this unit. That is a fact. Anyone considering the purchase of this unit should know about this problem. To purposefully ignore it, to cite to "audio based" boards which apparently do not discuss this well known critical deficiency, and to implicitly discount the AV Science web site and all of the knowledgeable people there who have owned this exact player, is to do a disservice to the public. If someone wants to purchase this unit as an audio only player, and never use it for DVD video, then of course the A/V sync issue would be of no concern and the player would be judged solely on its audio performance. But do not pretend that the problem does not exist. And do not accuse someone of never even owning the player when that someone (me) did - you do not know me from a hole in the wall - because while you do have some fine points to make about this player, you also lose credibility when you stoop to such tactics. Don't shoot the messenger. Deal with the facts.
The way it seems, you must either work for Onkyo, or they are paying you a healthy sum of money.
How much $ are u getting from them?
I agree with Rmaidenberg that trying to ignore, or trying to cover up deficiencies that are well documented by other owners, or former owners, of audio components is insane.
It seems that the only reviews or comments that you bother to read are the "glowing reviews" by audio publications that are being "paid off" to write rave reviews.
I have read on a couple of forums plenty of comments from several different owners or previous owners of the Onkyo DV-SP1000 and its lip-sync issues.
Go ahead and live in your Onkyo dream world and be happy!