Is it ok to not gush over Vanessa Fernadez? listener's perspective.

I bit. I purchased the first lp. I've owned it for over a year, played it completely through one time. I have played a couple of sides a couple more times. My point is, it just doesn't move me. Yes, she has talent. Yes, the production is great. Yes, we are suppose to fall in line, etc....

The lp has excellent SQ, so why doesn't it move me enough to listen more? Could it be that this has been done to death? Holly Cole, Jacintha etc... I listed those purely for examples, not to disparage in any way.

To me, just my own opinion, this particular artist seems to exist by the way of being sold to the audiophile community, solely for profit. American Idol comes to mind. IMO, this seems to be a manufactured product, made purposefully for the audiophile community.

I'm just expressing my opinion. I wanted others to have their opportunity. Not a debate just a reason for being.

Happy Listening!
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I liked the VF cover of that great Curtis Mayfield song. The label, Groove Note, is Ying Tan’s, and he has been around the audiophile record scene for a while- involved in Classic Records early on, and also responsible for Original Recordings Group releases. My impression is that Ying "discovered" VF in his native Singapore and gave her a shot. I do think she has some talent. The problem with a lot of "audiophile" records is that they emphasize sound quality over performances, which are often "safe" or middle of the road. Original Recordings Group (not to be confused with ORG Music, which has overlapping releases of some material) has delivered some audiophile classics in jazz and pop. I think the idea behind the Led Zep cover album was to let VF try to interpret LZ in a different way than the usual "cover band" with the additional bonus of some tricky mastering steps- feeding the cutter right from the tape without an additional EQ step at mastering. (Sorry, I don’t remember the details but my recollection was that it didn’t work as originally planned). Some of those Diana Krall records that are so popular come from the Original Recordings Group as well....

Bill, in the 1980's Ying Tan was a dealer of rare LP's in his little apartment a block off the famous corner of Hollywood & Vine, location of the Capitol Records circular building. I went over to his place a couple of times and bought from him. A nice guy who didn't over-charge "too" much. I seem to recall he had a Keith Monks RCM, a very expensive machine at the time. His apartment was stuffed to the gills with LP's!

Next thing I knew, he was an audiophile reissue label owner, along with Michael Hobson of Classic Records. I never heard what happened, but Hobson bought out Ying after only a few years. I haven't seen him since.

Very cool story- bdp24-

So many success stories started out in some apartment or garage.
Happy Listening!
She has talent, however as a whole, her singing style, voice and song just very piercing and fatiguing. Same effect like a visit to the dentist for a root canal.