Affordable Turntable Options

Hey all. First, I know the term affordable is relative. I'm considering getting back into vinyl and rather than resurrect my dusty Marantz 6270 I thought about starting anew. I'd like to keep the cost under $500.00 w/cartridge. The U-Turn models interest me and they have added some new models with solid wood plinths that look awesome. Any suggestions based on the above? I see some prices for "vintage" tables are through the roof and always of dubious history...

Hunt at local garage sales & craigslist for a Technics SL1200 for a couple of hundred and then look at the KAB upgrades and similar upgrades. Cheers,
Hmm. Buying used can be a crap shoot. if repairs need to be made you get into $$ and the hassle. I had hoped something more "modern" might be a good option like the U-Turn line...
That Orbit looks like a winner. The reviews are positive. You are better off getting something new , getting an older table might turn into a money pit!