NAIM AUDIO CD3.5 = TDA1305 CDM12.5 / VAM1205
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO azur840c = AD1955A Sanyo SF-P101N
MYRYAD MCD600 = CS4396-KS KSS-213C
California Audio Labs Icon mk II HDCD = 2 x PCM1702 – PMD100
Panasonic RAE0113Z
MARANTZ CD6005 = CS4398 Sanyo SF-P101N
ROTEL RCD-1072 = PCM1732 KSS-213C / KSS-213CL
Looking at the dac converter chips, and transports/lasers, for Redbook cd replay.
I'd go for the CAL Icon, it's got a very good Burr Brown PCM1702 Multibit chip, and the HDCD PMD100 filter chip.
Cheers George