Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

I’m a real audiophile. Vet me extremely and see.

I just Googled fake audiophile and there was a picture of Mapman.

George, to answer your question;

Here are just a couple of site quotes from fuse manufactures. Yes they obviously sell these, market these, based on delivering better sound. They don’t try to hide it and push better sound as the big benefit. This is not news?

This builder ( Audio Horizons) also puts the fuse in his amps and preamps touting better sound. No secret or hiding of what they feel is the big benefit. Fine sounding gear as an FYI. 

"What Makes the Platinum Reference “More Than a Fuse" So Fine?
Without betraying proprietary information, let me note that the More Than a Fuse dramatically increases the impedance from 0.2 ohms to 10 ohms at 10 MHz, thus increasing high frequency noise-rejection fifty fold over that of a conventional fuse. As a result of this increased noise rejection, one can hear delicate extended high frequencies formerly swallowed up in noise."

"And because the Platinum Reference “More Than a Fuse” also reduces ultra high frequency noise by up to 46 dB or more, a ratio 200 times that of a typical fuse, high frequency harmonic texture is heard against a dead quiet background with a level of detail and refinement so sweet, delicate, and with such presence and immediacy—well, it will make you smile."

" Synergistic Research RED Fuses feature proprietary alloy burn wires and end caps encased in anti-resonant ceramic bodies. RED fuses are then treated with 2,000,000 volts of electricity in a process we call Quantum Tunneling that alters the conductor at a molecular level for optimum performance. Unique to SR RED Fuses is a new treatment process applied exclusively to SR RED Fuses that realigns the crystal structure of both the burn wire and the end caps for a refinement in high frequency characteristics and improved timbre linearity. All told SR RED fuses significantly outperform every other high-end fuse on the market and are the only fuses guaranteed to deliver a significant increase in system performance or your money back. When compared to our award winning SR20 Quantum Fuses, SR RED Fuses sound more refined with smoother highs and more linear frequency extension from the deepest bass to the highest highs; no small feat given the remarkable "

"Synergistic Research Quantum Fuses employ a custom alloy treated with 2,000,000 volts of electricity! SR Quantum Fuses significantly outperform all other high-end fuses on the market and are guaranteed to deliver a noticeable increase in sound staging, resolution and air thanks to a lower noise floor and blacker backgrounds. SR Quantum Fuses are available with a 30-day no risk money back guarantee so you can directly compare them to other high-end fuses on the market including Hi Fi Tuning Supreme, Furutech, and Audio Magic. With over 60 values to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect value for your system’s components."

Aftermarket fuses are as old as Methuselah. What we have here is nothing more than an abject case of denial coupled with a giant case of the you know what.
... the More Than a Fuse dramatically increases the impedance from 0.2 ohms to 10 ohms at 10 MHz, thus increasing high frequency noise-rejection fifty fold over that of a conventional fuse.
Bill, as a point of information an 8 inch length of medium gauge wire will have an impedance of about 10 ohms at 10 MHz. And of course an AC mains fuse will be in series with far greater lengths of wire than that, taking into account the AC wiring in the component, in the power transformer, and in the power cord. Also, the power transformer itself can be expected to have far too little bandwidth to pass frequencies that high.

...And because the Platinum Reference “More Than a Fuse” also reduces ultra high frequency noise by up to 46 dB or more, a ratio 200 times that of a typical fuse...
46 db corresponds to a voltage ratio of 200 times, so this statement implies that a typical fuse provides zero noise rejection. I don’t doubt that :-) However, without a statement of what frequency the 46 db of noise rejection occurs at, and in what kind of circuit application, and without a basis upon which to determine if that unspecified frequency has any reasonable likelihood of having audible consequences in typical applications, the statement is meaningless. I would feel certain, however, that in the case of an AC mains fuse the associated AC wiring and especially the power transformer would provide far greater noise rejection than their fuse would.

The bottom line: While I take no position on the efficacy of their fuses, these statements are misleading techno-babble.

-- Al
grannyringGeorge, to answer your question;

That answered nothing, as I asked for fuse manufacturers links, who state the claims made that their fuses will improve the sound of your audio. 

I’ve seen you post links before, why do you not do them now? Is it that your just posting hearsay and not the words of the fuse manufacturer themselves?

Cheers George