Processor hunt....does this animal exist??

OK, I’m having a really hard time finding the processor I want. All I want is;

1. At least one 5.1 analog input, two would be better
2. Only needs to do 5.1 DD/DTS as I have no desire to go to 6.1 or 7.1, 5.2 would be a plus though…
3. Solid analog section, none of this converting my analog to digital and back again
4. Would like DPL II but could do without
5. Prefer single ended and balanced outputs with at least one balanced input
6. Discreet remote codes for power…….
7. DC triggers/phast connectivity
8. Upgradeable power cord
9. No video on the unit, they all look cheesy to me, but I could defeat this if need be
10. OK, I’d like it in black, but would buy whatever color it comes in
11. Can’t be bright or harsh… spent too much time and funds to get rid of that sound, don’t want it back… (sorry, for me this rules out Bryston, Aragon, and I’m still not real impressed with Lexicon, though they’ve come a long way)

What I don’t need;
1. Video switching…all video goes straight to the TV, and if need be I’d use an external DVI switcher
2. WAF (she lets me buy any stereo gear I can afford!!!)

The rest of the system is an active Linn 51 with an Esoteric DV-50s, but will be progressing to a Revel (Salons/Voice/Studios) with likely Proceed HPA’s until I go to ML 436’s…..

Does someone make this for less than the cost of my house???? Bueller??
"sorry, for me this rules out Bryston." SP-1.7?

You should listen to it before you rule it out. Once in your system if it still sounds bright then... Look at cabling or room reflections and absorption to tame those Revels. The SP-1.7 is definitely not bright. Its very neutral in 2 channel bypass and very relaxed to slightly warm with its internal DACs.

Maybe your looking for a warm colored sound? The Krells, although cooler sounding than the Bryston, have an EQ which allows you to taper the highs.

Also I havent heard the newer Cary Cinema, but I have heard its an excellent processor.
If you're willing to go used / older model, you could find an EAD Signature 8a. Or one of the newer 8000 or 8800 series. I know definitely that the 8a has almost all of the features you want. It has only one 12v trigger, but no DPL II. Everything else is there. It is a great sounding unit. Sadly, EAD is no more, but Boelen continues to offer repairs / upgrades for this gear. Even still, you find EAD prepros mentioned often here for recommendations on a great sounding unit.