Shadorne is of course correct. Hearing sonic differences, especially improvement, from aftermarket fuses and power cords is the best way to identify inferior equipment. I had it backwards all this time, thinking that the best equipment would be revealing of improvements in the quality of power they are fed. Wrong thinking!
Based on his superbly-vetted advice, I have decided to finally accept reality and sell off my Ayre, Krell, Classe’, and ModWright equipment as soon as possible. I am still testing my VPI turntable to see if it sounds different or better with an aftermarket power cord attached to the SDS controller. If so, it’s outta here too.
I plan to keep my aftermarket power cords and fuses temporarily for use when carefully auditioning the replacement equipment to ensure that I can hear no differences between the perfectly good cords and fuses that come with the new equipment and these aftermarket voodoo products.
I could use some help from those following this thread and elsewhere identifying equipment to avoid as I move forward. Please post the makes of your equipment if you hear any differences when using aftermarket cords and fuses in order to help me avoid these products. For this assistance I will be forever grateful, but not nearly as much so as to shadorne for making me see the light.
I also plan to test my car to see if it performs better with expensive non-OEM tires. If so, it’s outta here too. The factory knows what works best. Cost is never a consideration. The nonsense saying that better constructed tires make a car handle better is also marketing hype to deceive the weak minded into giving the fraudulent high-performance tire makers money. Don’t believe it!